Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcom decision to show income sources

Let's welcome the new government's decision to ask for source for buying new land and building in Kathmandu. I think it is great. Now, no political leaders, smuggers and kidnappers will buy land in our city. Still, I cannot undersnad why only 50 lack and 25 lakh? It should be made mandatory for all. If not, the same smuggler will buy two patches of land in two area with the same money. Let's make a campaign that income source should be shown on every land purchase.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This anti-Newar element in election

The Maoists as well as other parties cried very loud on ethnic identity, autonomous regions and what not. But whey they came to stage of nominating their leaders for the election of the constituent assembly, they have come up with their real face.

None of the parites have thought about the ethnic value of the Kathmandu Valley when they came to this point of preparation. All the same old ruined and currupt faces in Nepali Congress and CPN-UML. Even Maoists did not have Newar candidates for the Kathmandu, what they call Nepa Rashtriya Mukti Morcha.

We should not decide what we should do with Prachanda, Madhav Kumar, Bidhya Bhandari and all other bahun-chhetris who want to lure Newar votes.

Specially, we have to come up with strong opinion on anti-Newar elements like Bidhya Bhandari. She tried to raise hurricane by saying that she would ban Kumari tradition, the age old tradition of worshipping a girl child. Do you want to have our centre of devotion eradicated? If not you must raise this issue strong. I'm not against any party, but we much be very careful not to let any anti-Newar element stand in this sacred valley

Sunday, October 28, 2007

May Durga give wisdom to leaders

Our Dashain came and went. We all expected to see a political solution. But I'm sorry. I could not find anything.

May durg Bhwni give wisdom to the leaders and also power to fight for their right to the people.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

MY request to Hisila Yami

I was wondering why our dear Minister Hisila Yami is rethinking about bringing back Seven Trent to manage water system of Kathmandu. This is what I read in newspapers.

I was appreciating the minster for her brave decision to send back the "badnam" company. I know she had to fight a lot with commission-khor Dr Ram Sharan Mahat and many more. But I heard that the situation is not in favour of the minsiter.

It is possibe that the minsiter had to obey the activits of her party, who want big sum in donation. Or Dr Mahat offered a big sum to the activists. Or Prachanda him self wanted to please Seven Trent. Or there is the palace again in teh commision rackeet.

I don't care anything. I still believe that Minister Yami has a wise and wide opinion about the future of Melamchi. She knows, as we all being to the Kathmandu VAlley, that it is a bull-shit project for us. And she has quite a reson to resist. And it seems that she is afraid of taking more challenges and decided to let SEven trent come.

Please, for god's sake, don't lose your stand. We are with you minster!! No matter what the pakhe parliamentarians and minsiter say against you, we know that you are doing a good job by saying no to Seven Trent. Let it go and make a our future secured.


Friday, April 6, 2007

I'm afraid

I'm afraid how on earth this government is going to restore peace, rehabilitate the victims and restructure the buildings, towers and bridges which were blown up by the armed conflict...